Hostel of Lost Function
Hostel of Lost Function is a magic building, which satisfies all people’s needs. It is so perfect that no one can bear to lose it.
This graphic novel is mainly designed for adults to encourage them to accept their vulnerability after losing a family member. The metaphorical nature of the imagery makes the traumatic experience and the grief visible.
—— Gami Chou
尺寸:18 x 26 cm 媒材:複合媒材(鉛筆、版畫、拼貼、電腦繪圖) 年代:2021年 裝裱:有 NTD.3000
尺寸:18 x 26 cm 媒材:複合媒材(鉛筆、版畫、拼貼、電腦繪圖) 年代:2021年 裝裱:有 NTD.3000
尺寸:18 x 26 cm 媒材:複合媒材(鉛筆、版畫、拼貼、電腦繪圖) 年代:2021年 裝裱:有 NTD.3000
Gami Chou
自由接案插畫家、漫畫家。 作品多見於獨立出版,筆觸充滿強烈情感,風格形式多變。
Gami Chou is a freelance illustrator and a comic artist based in Taiwan.
I create intense emotions in my strokes and believe that the important issues should be delivered in a simple and straightforward way; the sad stories should be narrated in a light touch.
Gami Chou